About Cutrona Resolutionary Services
Cheryl Cutrona, J.D.

Cheryl is the CEO of Cutrona Resolutionary Services. She has been a mediator since 1986. Her primary areas of mediation practice are family (divorce and custody), education, and employment discrimination matters. Cheryl is also a nationally recognized conflict resolution and mediation trainer and consultant.
Currently, Cheryl serves on the mediator panels of the Pennsylvania Department of Education Office of Dispute Resolution (special education matters); the U.S. Postal Service REDRESS; the Better Business Bureau of Greater Philadelphia; the Philadelphia Bar Association Lawyer Fee Disputes; DeMars Associates, and serves as an EASE Envoy for the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission.
Cheryl is an Advanced Practitioner member of the Association for Conflict Resolution Academy of Family Mediators, which has also certified her as a Family Mediation Trainer. She mediates custody and divorce matters.
Cheryl, thank you again for the wonderful course on Mediation we just finished. I certainly improved my skills and learned a lot of information. Your teaching style is perfect for the course and it is evident that a lot of work goes into your preparation.
Lee A. Schwartz, Esq.
Philadelphia divorce attorney who attended Divorce & Custody Mediator Training, July 2014
Cheryl serves a Conflict Coach for Conflict Coaching Matters and an adjunct faculty member of Temple University Beasley School of Law and Temple University Klein School of Communication and Social Media. She arbitrates for the Better Business Bureau, DeMars Associates, and the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas Arbitration Center.
Cheryl served Good Shepherd Mediation Program (GSMP) as a volunteer and Board member from 1986-1990, as the Executive Director from January 1991 until August 2019.
I very much enjoyed the mediation training. Thank you!!! I appreciated the way you gave time for discussion while also keeping the activities moving. I also enjoyed the diversity of the group, the range of opinions as well as role-playing different characters.
Kai Kleinbard
AmSAT Certified Alexander Technique Teacher and academic tutor
Cheryl’s professional contributions include serving on the Pennsylvania Bar Association ADR Committee and the Editorial Board of Conflict Resolution Quarterly. She served on the Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania Council of Mediators for more than 20 years between 1991 and 2014.
Cheryl is the 2008 recipient of the Pennsylvania Bar Association Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee “Sir Francis Bacon Dispute Resolution Award” and was named “Most Valuable Peacemaker” by the Pennsylvania Council of Mediators in 2010 and was recently honored as a “Shepherd of Peace” by the Good Shepherd Mediation Program.
Cheryl holds a BA from Michigan State University, an MSLS (Library Science) from Wayne State University, Detroit Michigan, and a J.D. from Temple University Beasley School of Law.
I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed the past few weeks we spent together in the mediation course. Your passion and dedication for the subject matter really showed in your approach to the class and I really did love this class. Aside from that and on a personal level, I really respect the fact that you are a humanitarian at heart. After you told me that you had taken a group of mediators to Israel to mediate the conflicts there, I thought to myself man, that truly takes an person with amazing humility and charisma to do that. Aside from being an academic, you exude impenetrable qualities of integrity and kindheartedness that is contagious. I really respect your drive as an individual and I wanted to let you know that even though I may not be a mediator when I graduate law school, you definitely had an impact on my life and got me to think about things in a new light.
Thank you for all of your help and support and I really look forward to taking another alternative dispute resolution class with you in the future!
Adam Accay
Temple Law Student who attended Mediation Advocacy and Practice, Summer 2012
Cheryl Cutrona's publications include:
- "Mediation in Pennsylvania," Co-Author, Pennsylvania Bar Association Quarterly (April 2019) pages 82-95
- "Fitting the Fuss to the Community Mediation Forum," Author, Dispute Resolution Magazine (Winter 2013).
- "Community Mediation in the United States," Author, chapter in Moving Toward a Just Peace: The Mediation Continuum, Dordrect, The Netherlands: Springer, 2013.
- "La Mediazione di comunita negli Stati Uniti: il Good Shepherd Mediation Program" (Community Mediation in the United States: The Good Shepherd Mediation Program), Author. chapter in La Mediazione come Strumento di Intervento Sociale: Problemi e prospettive internazionali (Mediation as a Tool for Social Intervention: Perspectives, Challenges and Practical Aspects), Lucio Luisan, Editor. Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli, 2006.
- "Community Mediation," Author. 2002-2003 Verdict 3 (December 2002) pages 4, 11 (The newsletter of the Philadelphia Trial Lawyers Association).
- "Reflections on Past Successes and Future Challenges: Three Perspectives," Co-author. 17 Mediation Quarterly 4 Special Issue: Community Mediation: Past and Future (Summer 2000): 321-330.
- "Mediating Differences," Author. PHFA Service Connections (Winter 1998): 3-4. "Confronting Conflict Peacefully: Peer Mediation in the Schools," Co-author. Educational Horizons (Winter 1994): 95-104.
- "Mediation: An Alternative to Due Process Hearings," Author. VI The Special Educator 3 (October 12, 1990): 38-41.
- "Should EHA's Definition of `Handicapped Children' be Amended?" Author. VI The Special Educator 2 (September 24, 1990): 17-18, 21-22.
- The Department of Labor (Know Your Government Series), Author. New York: Chelsea House, 1988.
- International Encyclopedia of Communications, Chief Indexer. University of Pennsylvania and Oxford University Press, 4 vols., 1988.